Friday, November 21, 2008

Photo of a meat pie

Yes it is a meat pie, a pie from Hahndorf. I am posting this because I am testing how to post photos really large.

I remember eating this pie. We travelled up the highway in search of a really good pie. We had heard that the main street in Hahndorf has a bakery with really good pies. We even took a day off work to dedicate to this search. When we arrived, as soon as we parked the car it started to rain. That was ok, the pies were getting closer. We walked down the main street, trying to sniff out a lovely bakery. Finally we found a place with a sign saying POT PIES. It was closed.

So, we went to the next bakery and settled on their pies. How were their pies? rather bland really...

Aussie meat pie


Syed said...

Wow, I actually really like this photo! I love the colours and positioning :)

Prime Online said...

thanks dapper kid!